A Partner That Advances With Technology
TAFS Mobile App
To keep an edge over your competition, you need a partner that advances with technology. TAFS continually pushes new features to both your custom Client Portal and the TAFS Mobile App! The TAFS Factoring Mobile App is designed to streamline your business process and is free to all TAFS clients. Use it on your smart phone or tablet to access our fast invoice advancing options! Get paid at lightning speeds with our 1-Hour advance option. We advance 365 days a year, and on nights and weekends!

Download the App Today:
Get Your Invoices Advanced Within 1 Hour
We’re more than just an invoice factoring company with our revolutionary mobile app. Our mobile invoice factoring solution makes it easy for you to get paid in an hour from when you submit your invoice, which you can do from a mobile device such as your phone or tablet. Even if it’s on the weekend, we’ve got your payment needs covered.
Generate Invoices Automatically
There’s no need to waste time on creating invoices. With our app, you’re able to save time and generate your invoices automatically. This means no more paperwork hassles or stress caused by the need to create invoices quickly. Our mobile payments solution is there to ensure that you’re able to get paid faster.
More Than Just a Factoring App
More than a factoring app, our app is designed to help you get paid for your services faster and generate invoices on the fly. We’ll help you with the process of getting paid start to finish. This means your entire business can be managed without paper.
Our mobile invoice app helps the small business owner in many ways — giving you the ability to send estimates, use invoice templates and, basically, work smarter. If you would like to refer a friend to our app, that’s easy to do, and we’ll allow you to earn extra cash for doing so.
Download the TAFS mobile app today and see how easy it is to get paid faster than you ever thought you could!